
All posts about self reliance

Hopi Dry Farming, a Tradition of Resilience and Food Security

Introduction So as I am sure many of you already know, I am really big into growing the three sisters growing method. I tend to allocate a large portion of my garden and growing space to just growing corn, beans, squash, and this year sunflowers. I did not invent this method of interplanting, I was

Hopi Dry Farming, a Tradition of Resilience and Food Security Read More »

Sacred Tobacco and the Colonial Impact on Indigenous Cultures

Introduction I recently decided that I wanted to get more serious about restoring the local ecosystem in my area. For work, I do a lot of evaluation and compliance with various government practices to assure that a set number of native grasses and forbs/legumes are preset in order for private land owners to receive money

Sacred Tobacco and the Colonial Impact on Indigenous Cultures Read More »

4 Amazing Heirloom Bean Varieties I am Growing This Summer

Introduction Bean, beans, the musically fruit as the saying goes. In recent years I have noticed a slight bias or preference towards the incorporation of beans into my diet on a daily or weekly basis. Some people may argue that they would get sick of beans if they ate them that often or only consider

4 Amazing Heirloom Bean Varieties I am Growing This Summer Read More »